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Visual Thinking Routine


The Visual Thinking Routine is a way of showing the perspective of others for a subject. The subject that I have used is the time that Fred spent helping others in foreign countries.

Marble Surface
Marble Surface
  1. I am thinking of the time Fred Hollows spent in other countries, in the perspective of one of the blind children ready to be operated on. 


I sat next to my older brother waiting to be seen by the Australian doctor. I was terrified, terrified that my blindness may not be able to be cured, terrified that I would forever be a burden to my family. An Dung my older brother comforted me. Although I have never seen my family I have heard, and felt them and I am pretty sure that they all need more food and help. The white doctor came out and asked me to follow him into their tent for an inspection. I was shaking so much, and I was so scared, but then I heard my An Dung's voice telling me that it was ok. The later when the doctor said he was all done joy flooded into my heart, filling me with excitement and anticipation. The doctor said that his name was Fred Hollows, and that I was all done. He said that it would take roughly 4 weeks for me to be able to see at full capacity. I almost screamed, I was so ecstatic I stumbled for words, only managing to thank him and run out with my brother at my arm

     2.I am thinking of the time Fred Hollows spent in other countries, from my perspective. 


Fred Cossom Hollows is an amazing man and his time helping others in different countries a perfect example of his substantial deeds. He traveled the world all for the benefit for others. He worked day and night to cleanse blindness of the world. Even his most famous quote- "I believe that the basic attribute of mankind is to look after one another." Is so selfless it is just so breathtaking and inspiring that we actually do have people on earth that only have dedicated their lives to the wellbeing and the greater quality of life for others. Fred created a foundation to raise awareness for cataracts and all eye disorders. He even built factories to create the lenses used in the cataract surgeries because the prices used to cost around $80 each and now they cost around $25 to make each. He is such an outstanding role model for everyone and everything. His dedication to change the world was infinite and his persistence was even more. 

     3. I am thinking of the time Fred Hollows spent in other countries, from the perspective of Fred Hollows. 


I have always wanted to help others and this is the perfect career to do so. My time around the world has made me so thankful for my life. And seeing children, parents or even grandparents reunite with their families and see for the first time is just so wonderful. To see a mum see her children for the first time in 3 years is so blessing and I have loved every moment of my life. I believe that everyone in the whole world should have the same amount of access to health care. Quote- "What we are doing is giving these people the chance to help themselves. We are giving them independence." To even have an impact on our fight against eye disorders is truly amazing. And I hope I'm not the only one that will. 

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